Skúšobná hodina zdarma pre nových študentov (deti) / Free trials for new students (children)

Skúšobná hodina zdarma pre nových študentov (deti) / Free trials for new students (children)

(Slovak version below)

Experience the Joy of Language Learning with a Free Trial Class for Children!

Are you searching for an engaging and effective way for your child to learn Slovak? Look no further! Join us for a free trial class and immerse your child in the warm and friendly environment of our language courses.

During the trial class, your child will have the opportunity to experience our teaching approach firsthand and get a taste of the fun and interactive learning activities we offer. Our dedicated and experienced teachers will guide them through engaging exercises, games, and conversations, tailored to their age and language level.

Key Features of our Free Trial Class:

1. Explore the Friendly Environment:
Step into our language courses and discover the welcoming and inclusive atmosphere we create for our young learners. Your child will feel comfortable and motivated to participate in our interactive lessons, designed to foster their love for the Slovak language.

2. Personalized Consultation:
After you register for the free trial class, we will get in touch with you to discuss your child's availability and requirements. We understand that each child is unique, and our goal is to offer suitable options that align with their specific needs and learning style.

3. Engaging Learning Activities:
Our trial class is designed to captivate your child's interest and ignite their passion for language learning. Through a variety of interactive exercises, games, and creative tasks, we make the learning experience enjoyable and meaningful.

4. Professional and Experienced Teachers:
Our dedicated team of teachers brings expertise and enthusiasm to every class. With their guidance and support, your child will receive quality instruction and encouragement, setting them on the path to language proficiency.

5. Inspiring Language Learning Journey:
By joining our trial class, your child will embark on an exciting language learning journey. Whether they are beginners or have some prior knowledge of Slovak, we will provide them with the tools and resources to build a solid foundation and develop their language skills.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to ignite your child's love for Slovak and give them a head start in language learning. Register now for our free trial class and open the door to a world of linguistic exploration and cultural discovery.

We can't wait to welcome your child to one of our classes!


Pridajte sa k nám na skúšobnú hodina zdarma v akejkoľvek z našich tried a otestujte priateľskú atmosféru našich kurzov! ;)

Po registrácii Vás budeme kontaktovať, aby sme dohodli Vašu dostupnosť a ponúkli vhodné možnosti výučby pre Vášho študenta.

Tešíme sa na Vás!

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Age Groups
  • School (6 - 15 years)
  • Pre-school (up to 6 years)